
I found some online sales!

I hate getting out into that dreadful crowd. I know I'm not the only one. I read about the down-side to Black Friday on well after I decided not to join the crowd. I'm just not much of the people person to get out into the crowd and fight with people over things that aren't that serious in my life.
But... I found a couple of sales I could live with for the moment (meaning until I have more money). I got online and found that TwoFaced cosmetics had a sale right up my alley -- things that are $10 or less, lol. I also found a new (new to me that is) cosmetic company that is organic.  They have some really neat looking cosmetics and some shadows for $3. Definitely worth check out the shadows since they are so inexpensive. Then I think I'll be done for the moment. I have bills to pay and the bills come before the pleasure.

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