
Social Goodies

I like sites like Social Goodies. It create discounts similar to groupon. I've been watching them because they are the only site that sales discounted product for NYX (on the site it says you pronounce it "nicks" but I always want to say N. Y. X.)

I love using the lip creams. I use them on my lips the way you would use primer/pots on the eyes. I need some more colors because I just have a few. This would be a great way to get what I want for 50% off. YES! Who isn't a sucker for a bargain.

I need some more colors to add to my minor collection. It creates an awesome base! I'll have to do a tutorial on that one. I really wanted to get their version of Urban Decay's Naked palette. Lord knows I refuse to spend $50 on eyeshadows.


Black Friday Cosmetics

I went to target and wished I would have showed for the Black Friday sale at Target. They had the ELF palette I wanted for $10. The ELF's online store doesn't even sell the palette at those price.
I'm glad I didn't buy it though. ELF is nice but they don't last as long as I need them to. I have to have shadow that lasts at least 9-12 hours per day without fading. Is that much to ask?
I work all day and I would like to have makeup that lasts that long. If all makeup did, we would pay the ridiculous prices they charge without thinking about it.


I found some online sales!

I hate getting out into that dreadful crowd. I know I'm not the only one. I read about the down-side to Black Friday on well after I decided not to join the crowd. I'm just not much of the people person to get out into the crowd and fight with people over things that aren't that serious in my life.
But... I found a couple of sales I could live with for the moment (meaning until I have more money). I got online and found that TwoFaced cosmetics had a sale right up my alley -- things that are $10 or less, lol. I also found a new (new to me that is) cosmetic company that is organic.  They have some really neat looking cosmetics and some shadows for $3. Definitely worth check out the shadows since they are so inexpensive. Then I think I'll be done for the moment. I have bills to pay and the bills come before the pleasure.

My daily skin battle... UGH!!

I have a daily hunt for something that will make my skin look like it did before I had kids. When I was younger I used products for super sensitive skin and my face was flawless. I want to go back to those days when I didn't have acne and a thousand and one blemishes like I do now. I don't know what happened to my skin. I'm assuming it's all of the hormones in my body such as birth control pills.
Unlike most African American, I suffer from redness on certain parts of my face. I use to just think it was a tan but it's winter so it must be sensitivity. I need to continue my "play" with cosmetics to find something that actually works and doesn't cost me $50 per month to replenish.
I found this video and it is a little helpful (I'm not going to say total because I haven't tried any of it yet).


Welcome- I'm updating now

I forgot to post this...
Allow me to introduce myself (in my Jay-Z voice). I am ShaySpeakz. I love word-play. I just began wearing cosmetics and getting into fashion again recently. I didn't care much about fashion before now and man ole man did it show. Now I want to share with you my journey as I fumble through hair stuff, makeup stuff, fashion stuff, and all body care things.
Yea, I know it looks really now because I need a new camera. I need a new one for my Youtube videos also. Until then I can start writing what I can, that is what I do by the way.
I could say I'm the greatest at being me. I'm by no means a guru in anything... well maybe young single parenting skills. I can tell you my tips. You just have to keep reading and ask, just keep reading.